Keto juice is great for those following a ketogenic diet or for those simply wanting to take it to the next level. This could be a light meal replacement or a between meal snack.
According to this recipe has 240 calories, 11 grams of carbs, 12 grams of protein, and 16 grams of fat. Keto juice contains 100% or more of the RDA for iron, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate. It also contains high levels of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and copper.
The juice has a well-balanced amino acid profile and provides 30% of the RDA for omega 3 fatty acid.
Keto Juice Ingredients
½ lb of spinach
5 large stalks of celery
¼ bunch of cilantro
½ lemon with rind
1 Tbsp MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride)
Juice all ingredients and then pour the MCT oil on top of the juice. Stir briefly and enjoy. The oil will separate if the juice is not consumed directly. You can see the small globs of oil on top of the juice in the top view picture.
Because it’s a juice the nutrients will be easily assimilated by the body, which is good for gleaning nutrients, but can move you out of ketosis if you are borderline ketosis now. It depends on your current state of health, how keto adapted you are, and what else you’ve eaten in previous meals that day.
You could be eating the very same ingredients in a salad, but since the breakdown of nutrients is not as efficient as juicing you’re not getting the same nutrition in either macro or micro nutrients. This means that the juice could take you out of ketosis when the same ingredients in a salad might not.
MCT oil is coconut oil that is refined so there are no impurities and it digests quite quickly.
The picture at the top of the page shows a chunk of fresh ginger root, however after tasting the juice I decided it would be better without it.
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